Friday 22 May 2015

React Before You Snack Homework

I was really impressed with the level of dedication and effort shown by the vast majority of Class 5 for this homework task! On Thursday afternoon I was treated to an array of whizzy PowerPoint presentations, creative displays and impressive presenting styles that would rival many professional motivational speakers! 

I am including some pictures of the physical presentations but it is hard to replicate the quality of the PowerPoint displays on the blog. Therefore, I would encourage those children who created a PowerPoint presentation in school to invite their parents into school to see it at our next Open School, currently scheduled for Tuesday 23rd June between 3:15pm and 3:45pm. Alternatively, I am happy to supervise the children in saving their presentation to a memory stick that has been brought from home. 

Mrs Good

Friday 15 May 2015

Rosa's Spectacular Writing

Check out Rosa's amazing writing which earnt her a Headteacher Credit this week. She also played a crucial role in the design of the display board where her work can be found. Well done, Rosa!

North American Factsheets

As part of our topic on North America, we have worked with a partner to create our own Factsheets. We were challenged to use only our topic books and what we already knew for research to focus our ideas. Our ICT skills will amaze you! 

Thursday 7 May 2015

Think Before You Drink Maths Investigation

Apologies for this only being our first blog this year but may it be the first of many! Today we carried out an investigation to determine how many grams many popular soft drinks contain. We measured out the amount of sugar each drink contained and calculated this as a percentage, which we presented as a pie chart. 

Measuring out the sugar.
Wow! Imagine eating this much sugar!
A finished pie chart ready to print.
Creating a pie chart to show the percentage of sugar in Orange juice.
A finished pie chart ready for display.
Writing up the amounts of sugar to compare our findings.
We ordered our results based upon how much sugar each drink contained.

Our finished display!
This work will be the inspiration behind our Maths homework this week. The homework investigation will be called"React Before You Snack!". You need to conduct your own investigation based around either salt or sugar content in a type of food, for example, salt content in crisps or sugar content in breakfast cereals, the choice is yours. You can present your findings how you like, using diagrams, tables, photographs, a presentation... As I appreciate this will take longer than your normal allocation of 20 minutes each week, I am allowing two weeks to complete this task so this task is due in on Thursday 21st May! Good luck. Mrs Good